Looking for a job?
Jobs for ex-offenders are hard to come by these days. But with the help of Jesus and the family of God, all things are possible. We have testimony after testimony of how ex-felons have attained excellent jobs and how God has made a way for ex-offenders to acquire job training and professional positions. With faith, hard work and determination, God will find a way where there seems to be no way. Check out our resources and get going on your journey to success!
One of the best websites for ex-offender employment is Jail to Jobs.
If you have never made a career plan or thought beyond learning a paycheck, visit Step Ahead at r www.iseek.org for help assessing your gifts, talents, passions and possibilities. It’s time to make a plan!
Jobs & Employment
Adult Jobs & Employment in Alameda County
Juvenile Jobs & Employment in Alameda County
Adult Jobs & Employment in Hayward
Juvenile Jobs & Employment in Hayward
Adult Jobs & Employment in Oakland
Juvenile Jobs & Employment in Oakland