The time with our young ones is limited!
Since the time spent with our young ones is limited, let’s do those things with them that will be rememberd and thought about for years to come. Let’s take time out of our lives to claim a lost moment or to reclaim a new one that shows our kids how much we care. Real unconditional love comes without a price, It’s the sacrifice. Those of us who are supposed to be in our kids’ lives are not there the way we should or could be. Nothing will make a greater impact in a child’s life than him or her knowing unconditional love- and not just saying it, but showing it. Children are our greatest assets, so let’s look for every opportunity to bring them up in the admonition of the Lord. If we want to cut recidivism down to size in this generation and the nexts, let’s start by prioritizing the raising of godly children first in our own family and then influence other families to do the same in theirs. Amen!